- At first the state joined the Confederacy, as North Carolinian's did not wanted war with the southern states, for that reason they refused to provide the war time volunteers to Abraham Lincoln(as he asked for war volunteers)
- The soldiers who fought for the cause of the confederacy, joined the army to avoid any imprisonment by the southern states, while some of them had commitments with the rebellious states cause.
- While in North Carolina there were two groups of people during the war time, as one supported the confederate states cause and then there were some people who supported the Union. As after some time most of the population in the mountainous region and near to state's coastal area supported the US government,while they also contributed about 15,000 Carolinian's to take part in the war campaign against the confederacy.
- North Carolinian's wanted peace with the neighboring states, and they did not wanted to go against them in the war campaigns. But, unfortunately the state faced two occasions of mass killings which were carried out on suspicious activities carried out by the civilians and the officers.
Step-by-step explanation:
The North Carolina was a state which did not really encountered most of the civil war in the United States, it was due to geographic position of the state was far from the strategic points during in the war . But, it had a face off with the war in its last few years of campaign.