hydrochloric acid = HCl
Step-by-step explanation:
Hydrochloric acid is a colorless liquid that smokes in the air and has a pungent smell. It can have a yellowish hue because it contains traces of chlorine, iron or organic matter. It is an acid with high thermal stability and has a wide variety of applications. It is obtained by combining and absorbing gaseous chlorine and hydrogen water. It is a substance of great use today by chemists in laboratories and industries. After sulfuric acid, it is the most important acid on an industrial scale. His study provides the knowledge acquired by man from which chemistry was in the hands of alchemy in the Middle Ages to the present day.
Industrially it is obtained by direct synthesis of hydrogen chloride from chlorine (Cl) and hydrogen (H) and its subsequent dissolution in water. To prevent the process from developing violently, given the explosive nature of the reaction between chlorine and hydrogen, the two gases are mixed at the same time that the reaction has to occur, which is achieved by passing a current of gaseous chlorine through a hydrogen flame.