1 vote
Read the passage and write a one-paragraph response of at least three to five sentences. Little Mrs. Sommers one day found herself the unexpected possessor of fifteen dollars. It seemed to her a very large amount of money, and the way in which it stuffed and bulged her worn old porte-monnaie gave her a feeling of importance such as she had not enjoyed for years. The question of investment was one that occupied her greatly. For a day or two she walked about apparently in a dreamy state, but really absorbed in speculation and calculation. She did not wish to act hastily, to do anything she might afterward regret. But it was during the still hours of the night when she lay awake revolving plans in her mind that she seemed to see her way clearly toward a proper and judicious use of the money. A dollar or two should be added to the price usually paid for Janie's shoes, which would insure their lasting an appreciable time longer than they usually did. She would buy so and so many yards of percale for new shirt waists for the boys and Janie and Mag. She had intended to make the old ones do by skillful patching. Mag should have another gown. She had seen some beautiful patterns, veritable bargains in the shop windows. And still there would be left enough for new stockings-two pairs apiece-and what darning that would save for a while! She would get caps for the boys and sailor-hats for the girls. The vision of her little brood looking fresh and dainty and new for once in their lives excited her and made her restless and wakeful with anticipation. The neighbors sometimes talked of certain "better days" that little Mrs. Sommers had known before she had ever thoughts of being Mrs. Sommers. She herself indulged in no such morbid retrospection. She had no time-no second of time to devote to the past. The needs of the present absorbed her every faculty. A vision of the future like some dim, gaunt monster sometimes appalled her, but luckily tomorrow never comes. What do the happening hints in this passage tell you about the story in general?

2 Answers

3 votes
In the context of the excerpt, Mrs. Sommers appears to be a woman who was previously quite wealthy, but became impoverished after her marriage. She chooses to look forward, and not back, and does not mourn her lack of money; rather, she makes do and forges a path for herself and her family. Meanwhile, she devotes much of her money to the children, sacrificing her needs for their sake.
User Fiskolin
6.2k points
7 votes

There are several hints in this passage that allow us to draw conclusions about the story. We learn that Mrs. Sommers is excited to hvae money, and that she is making plans about everything she will buy for her children. We learn that the children have not had new things for a while, which suggests that the family is quite poor. This is supported by the fact that Mrs. Sommers is constantly consumed with the present, and ocassionally worried about the future. However, we also learn that this was not always the case, as the neighbours remember how she had enjoyed "better days" before her marriage. This suggests that the story will focus on the difficulties that Mrs. Sommers faces within her marriage, particularly when it comes to her economic situation.

User Joy
6.3k points