Hello there. To solve this question, we have to remember some properties about algebraic structure of a function and taking derivatives.
Given the function:
As you can see, it is composed by the addition of two functions, with different properties. One is the square root of a variable, while the other is the tangent of this variable, a trigonometric function.
In this case, we say that
Now, to compute its derivative, remember that
The differential operator is linear, which means that the derivative of a sum of two functions is equivalent to the sum of the derivatives of the functions
The derivative of a power is calculated by the power rule, given as follows:
In this case, remember that
The derivative of the tangent function is equal to secant squared, that can be shown using the quotient rule and the derivative of sine and cosine functions.
With this, we have that
Applying the power rule and taking the derivative of the tangent, we get
This is the derivative of w.