First of all, there are only four possible results for a power of the imaginary unit i: 1, -1, i or -i. These depend on the exponent of the power:
Where n can be any integer equal or greater than 0. So every time you need to simplify a power of i you have to check if its exponent can be written as 4n, 4n+1, 4n+2 or 4n+3. For example if we want to simplify:
We need to equalize 36 to each of the four expressions with n and see for which n is an integer. For example for 4n we have:
So n is an integer which means that 36 can be written as 4n. If you try with the other 3 expressions you'll see that n is not an integer. Then we have that:
And then you have:
When you have a radical like in:
Is important to remember two things:
- The definition of the imaginary unit.
- A property of radicals.
The first one is:
And the second one is:
Then if you have a negative number inside a radical you can always do the following:
Then we can simplify the example:
Then the simplification ends with: