The legal system has changed from its original intent - to protect the freedom of citizens - into a thick web of rules that restrict people and organizations. The daily lives of people in the U.S. are filled with fear of lawsuits both individually and within organizations. Examples include the education system, and healthcare. Laws and lawsuits are so abundant that the purpose and goals of these institutions are severely limited. The first proposition is to judge law based on effects on society as a whole, not individuals and individual situations. The second proposition is to reestablish the public's trust in law. The third proposition is like a fresh start - reestablishing the purpose of law: to set boundaries on things we clearly should not be allowed to do: murder etc, and stay out of the things that should be free. Freedom can be rebuilt but it would take a massive coordinated effort on the part of the people and government agencies. I agree with Howard. As a former teacher there are too many forces that prevent actual learning from happening. I feel the spread of law and legal fear may be a factor in kids feeling they can do whatever they want, and any challenge is an affront to their rights, including learning. Additionally I agree with Howard's assessment of the healthcare system. The system has moved from helping people to avoiding lawsuits.