I can think of two ways to do it.
Way #1:
-- Pick a number.
Write it in place of 'x', and calculate the value of 'y'.
Call these 'x₁' and 'y₁'.
-- Pick another number.
Write it in place of 'x', and calculate the value of 'y'.
Call these 'x₂' and 'y₂'.
-- On your graph, mark little dots at the points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂).
-- With your ruler and pencil, draw a straight line between the two dots.
Then extend it as far as you want to in each direction.
The line you drew is the graph of the equation.
Way #2:
-- Looking at the equation, you realize that the slope of the graph is -7/3,
and its slope is 2 . Use this powerful information to draw the graph.
-- Mark a little dot on the y-axis, at the point where y = 2 .
-- From that point, move your eyes 7 units to the right, then 3 units down,
and mark a little dot where you land.
-- With your ruler and pencil, draw a straight line between the two dots.
Then extend it as far as you want to in each direction.
The line you drew is the graph of the equation.