What are the stages of change?-pre-contemplation stage
-contemplation stage
-preparation/determination stage
-action/willpower stage
-maintenance stageStages of change is AKAtranstheoretical modelrelapsereturning to older behaviors and abandoning new changespre-contemplation stage-person has not yet acknowledged that there's a problem/behavior that needs to be changed
-person hasn't thought about quitting
-defensive if their current bad habit/ don't feel it's a problem
-don't discuss bad habit with others and get upset/defensive if other try to pressure them to quit
-not open to hearing/receiving advice on changing behaviorcontemplation stage-person acknowledges that there's a problem but is not ready/sure of wanting to make a change
-ppl are aware of the personal consequences of their bad habit and spend time thinking about their problem
-constantly weight pros/cons of quitting
-may doubt that the long term benefits of quitting will outweigh the short term costs
-they're able to think about change but tend to be ambivalent about change
-open to receiving info about their bad habit and more likely to actually use educational interventionspreparation/determination stage-person gets ready to change/has a commitment to make a change ( "I need to do something about this--this is serious. Something has to change. What can I do?)
-research phase
-call clinics to find out other strategies/resources available
-tries gathering info about what they need to do to change behavioraction/willpower stage-person believes that he has the ability to change their behavior and is actively involved in taking steps to change their bad behavior using a variety of techniques. (mentally review commitment to self, short term rewards to sustain motivation, developing plans to deal with personal/external pressures that may lead to slips)
-this is when the person actually implements plans to change behavior/lifestyle
-practice new behavior for 3-6 months
-shortest of all stages
-person is open to receiving help and often seeks support from othersmaintenance stage-maintaining the behavior change
-continued commitment to sustaining new behavior
-able to avoid temptations to return to bad habitWhat is the goal of the transtheoretical Model?-used to assess where patients are at in their addiction which allows health providers to tailor what needs to be done
-explains/predicts a person's success or failure in achieving proposed behavior changeTrue or False. The stages of change are not linear and people can skip stages and be in multiple stages at onceTrue