1. the answer is A farmer decides which crops to plant based on international demand. The market revolution allow business owners to take customers that located far beyond their local borders, which will improve their margin for each operation year
2. the answer is Southern states benefited greatly from railroad access to markets in the Ohio River valley.Despite not having a single effort to develop proper railroead sytem, the existence make a lot of business owners able to make trading partner with other people on the northern part of the country
3. The answer is Southern cotton flooded into northern markets faster than ever beforeSince now ther is a fast distribution line that conenct the southern cotton market with the northern cotton market
4. Artisans were often forced out of business as a result of the availability of cheaper manufactured products.Before the industrialziation, product such as pan, agricultural tools, kitchenware, etc were produced handmade by the artisan. After the industrial revouliton, manufacturers could produce them at cheaper price.
5. Political opportunities expanded and retracted based largely on economic opportunities.The wealthy families now had the power to create conection within government officials through campaign funding, which make them more likely to obtain more political influence.
6. The answer is Catholic immigrants pose a serious threat to American politics and society.Nativism is an activist movement that promote the interest of local citizen rather than immigrants. They believe immigrants will bring unfit culture to their society and will reduce the amount of jobs available for the locals