The correct answer is option D. Escriben.
Step-by-step explanation:
In this case we find a verb that is conjugated in the present simple verb tense. This verb tense is used to express a habit, routine, or something that happens now.
Regular Spanish verbs can be conjugated keeping their root and only changing the ending as follows:
Verbs ending with AR:
yo Amo
tú Amas
él/ella/usted Ama
nosotros/-as Amamos
vosotros/-as Amáis
ellos/ellas/ustedes Aman
yo Temo
tú Temes
él/ella/usted Teme
nosotros/-as Tememos
vosotros/-as Teméis
ellos/ellas/ustedes Tememos
yo Parto
tú Partes
él/ella/usted Parte
nosotros/-as Partimos
vosotros/-as Partís
ellos/ellas/ustedes Parten