Historians have argued that the settlement of the English colonies was undertaken in a haphazard manner, with little regard to the geography, climate, peoples, or practical demands of the New World. I believe that this statement would be correct because the English came here in search for religious freedom from the laws of England and they made their way into America. From that moment on, they had made the best of the land that they were provided with, they had fights with the Indians that lived on the land, they had searched for treasure, they had gone through tormenting sicknesses and harsh winters, and in all of that craziness, they destroyed their land. The pilgrims had killed multiple Indians, made treaties with the Indians and then broke them, and they had also gone into war with Britain two times. This was a very haphazard way of living and their lives were very disorganized but even though it was very hard, they still persevered.