Answer: (1) The correct option is B. (2) he correct option is (C). The correct option is (A).
Step-by-step explanation:
In the graphs the x-axis represents the time and the y-axis represents the height.
From given figure 1 it is noticed that the height is consistently increases as the time increases but not in the same proportion.
Because the points are not lies on a single straight line, it means the height increases but not in the same rate.
Therefore, the correct option B.
From figure 2 it is noticed that at initial state the height decreases after that height increases.
The option 1 represent the increase at constant rate, option 2 represent the increase in height but not at constant rate and option 3 represents the fluctuation in height.
Therefore the correct option is C.
From figure 3 it is noticed that all the pints lies on a single straight line, therefore the height increases at a constant rate.
So, the correct option is A.