1. winning independence from a governing country
2. unseating a current leader and naming a new one
4. electing new leaders through a democratic process
5. changing the traditional methods of government
Step-by-step explanation:
A revolution is a fundamental social change in the power structure or organization that takes place in a relatively short or long period depending on the structure of the same. Aristotle described two types of political revolutions:
1. Complete change from one constitution to another.
2. Modification from an existing constitution.
Experts still debate what can constitute a revolution and what can not. Studies on revolutions usually analyze events in the History of the West from a psychological perspective, but also more analyzes include global events and incorporate views of the social sciences, including sociology and political science.
Its origins may have different reasons, a technological change, a social change or a new paradigm is enough for a society to radically change its structure and government. Revolutions can be peaceful although in general they involve violence, when conservative groups face the previous regime and those who aspire to change, or even among those who aspire to a new system, and there may be several warring factions. Nowadays, revolutions are considered the turning points of history, from which the majority of current political and social systems start. Decisive revolutions in world history would be the Revolution of the Thirteen Colonies, the French Revolution, the independence revolutions of Latin America or the October Revolution.