package Hello;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class NewClass1 {
public static void main (String[] args)
// Declare constants
final double IN_WEIGHT = 0.6; // in-class weight is 60%
final double OUT_WEIGHT = 0.4; // out-of-class weight is 40%
// Declare variables
int preLabPts; //number of points earned on the pre-lab assignment
int preLabMax; //maximum number of points possible for pre-lab
int labPts; //number of poitns earned on the lab
int labMax; //maximum number of points possible for lab
int postLabPts; //number of points earned on the post-lab assignment
int postLabMax; //maximum number of points possible for the post-lab
int outClassAvg; //average on the out of class (pre and post) work
int inClassAvg; //average on the in-class work
double labGrade; //final lab grade
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
// Get the input
System.out.println("\\Welcome to the Grade Calculator\\");
System.out.print("Enter the number of points you earned on the pre-lab: ");
preLabPts = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("What was the maximum number of points you could have earned? ");
preLabMax = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the number of points you earned on the lab: ");
labPts = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("What was the maximum number of points for the lab? ");
labMax = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the number of points you earned on the post-lab: ");
postLabPts = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("What was the maximum number of points for the post-lab? ");
postLabMax = scan.nextInt();
// Calculate the average for the out of class work
outClassAvg = (preLabPts + postLabPts) / (preLabMax + postLabMax) * 100;
// Calculate the average for the in-class work
inClassAvg = labPts / labMax * 100;
// Calculate the weighted average taking 40% of the out-of-class average
// plus 60% of the in-class
labGrade = OUT_WEIGHT * outClassAvg + IN_WEIGHT * inClassAvg;
// Print the results
System.out.println("Your average on out-of-class work is " + outClassAvg + "%");
System.out.println("Your average on in-class work is " + inClassAvg + "%");
System.out.println("Your lab grade is " + labGrade + "%");