C. Nations of the world can work together to use energy more efficiently.
Step-by-step explanation:
Population increase brings about growing demands for energy resources .The enumerated ways according to the question which scientists proffers to use energy more efficiently discourages waste and save more energy. All the enumerated ways from 1 - 6 can be better described as it relates to human activities to avoid energy wastage, conserve energy and use it more efficiently.
Inflating car tires reduces fuel consumption as the vehicle runs more efficiently to avoid energy wastage.
Replacing light bulbs with compact fluorescent will save energy because the light bulb uses more energy and dissipate more heat. Replacing it with a fluorescent save energy and uses energy more efficiently.
Recycling will conserve energy since energy required to produce a new product will be saved . Recycling will definitely use energy more efficiently.
Adjusting your thermostat will reduce the energy use for heating and cooling . Adjusting the thermostat will definitely use energy more efficiently.
Reducing the temperature of your water heater will save more energy required to boil the water. This process reduces energy wastage .
unplugging appliances that are not in use make sure no energy is wasted. If energy is used it should be use purposely not wastefully. This process promotes energy conservation.
All this ways propounded by scientist is better describe if nations of the world work together to use energy more efficiently.