well, what I can make out is.
"20% of the drug present in the preceding time...", is mostly mumble jumble, in short is just saying, the patient took a pill, then before taking another pill, the previous pill isn't really gone from the body stream, is there still, 20% of it, so by the time the patient drops another pill in the following day as prescribed, she's dropping 500mg of the drug, which is 100% of the drug, but besides that, she already has 20% of the drug from the pill she took the previous time, the day before, so, from yesterday.
how much of the drug is there when she takes another pill?
well, 20% of 500mg is just 100mg 0.2 * 500
so, she's dropping 500mg today, and she has in her body stream 100mg(20%) from the one she took yesterday, so her body will have then 500 + 100 milligrams of the drug.

now, the second equation there, is fine too, is just that it is a
difference, but the result is the same 1.2 or 120% of the drug.
in essence the difference equation is just saying, "ok, grab two pills and then subtract 80% of one pill, that's what your body has right after taking the next pill".