The answer is B) Cuba and Puerto Rico
Step-by-step explanation:
There are actually a few religious practices in Cuba that have derived from traditional African religions, such as Arará, Vodú and Santeria, the latter being the most prominent one. Santeria developed in Cuba among West African descendants, mostly from the Yorubá people. It translates to "worship of saints". It's the result of a combination of Yoruba religion ( brought to the americas by enslaved Yoruba people), with Christianity and Indigenous religions. The practice includes elements of spirit worship and rituals, and the belief of creator God (Olodumare) and lesser deities or spirits known as Orishas.
In Puerto Rico, the descendants of former African slaves were very important for its political, economic and cultural structure. Many elements of African spiritual beliefs were incorporated into the Catholic practices present in Puerto Rico when it still was part of the Kingdom of Spain, back in the XV century, however, no organized religious practice of African influence survived from the times of slavery to the present. Nevertheless, Santeria and Palo Mayombe, are currently practiced in Puerto Rico.