Regression is a set of numbers that tells how much a value would be if the values were spread evenly among every number in the data set. It would give an answer of r² equals 1 or almost 1. If the set of values reaches an r² of 1, then the two variables being studied is directly related. The steps n drawing a line of best fit are.
1. Plot your data in a graphing paper or excel.
2. Make sure that your plotted data has a solid mark to indicate the points in the graph.
3. Divide your data points by labeling x at the center, at the farthest part of your line (left or right diagonally).
4. If you feel that the data are now finely divided, then construct a line base on the x marks you're placing
5. Then you will notice how far or near your date points are by simply looking at the points near the constructed line that you created.