A recruiter is a person who works for the employer who we can say is the client.
Recruiters specialize in placing certain job categories for example if it is a job of an accountant or an engineer.Recruiters are hired by employers to recruit job seekers for certain categories and present the person who matches the job criteria. A candidate sends a cover letter to a recruiter to make him or her understand what you are qualified, what you can do and job criteria you can fulfil so that you can be presented to the employer.
When sending a recruiter cold cover letter some of the information which is included is
(i) Opening- It tells why you need a new job and what you currently do for the living
(ii) Body- You tell the background and how your skills will help and accomplishment can benefit the employer.
(iii) Closing- you list kinds of industries you are working for, expectations, the amount of salary you want, and when you can start the job.