The organism produces the different kinds of proteins according to their needs. But if any of the essential amino acids were missing, that synthesis would not be performed properly. This would cause a deficiency of vital proteins for the organism, generating problems such as indigestion, depression or stunted growth.
Step-by-step explanation:
Amino acids are the chemical units or constituent elements of proteins that, unlike other nutrients, contain nitrogen.
To understand the importance of amino acids, it is necessary to know the role of proteins in our body.
Proteins provide structure to all living things. After water, proteins constitute the largest portion of our weight, since they form muscles, ligaments, tendons, organs, glands, nails, hair, body fluids and are essential for bone formation.
On the other hand, they are also proteins, enzymes and hormones that catalyze and regulate all metabolic processes. A protein deficiency can unbalance body fluids and cause edema.
Proteins are composed of chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. Both the amino acids that compose them, and the sequence in which they are organized, is what gives each protein its individual characteristics and functions.
Also called essential amino acids are those that the human body cannot produce by itself and must be incorporated through ingested food. That is why the lack of an essential amino acid generally corresponds to an incorrect diet.