Answer: Question 1: B) Stirring up mud at the bottom of a pond Question 2: D) Expresses the american spirit among people struggling to determine their own fates
Step-by-step explanation:
Question 1: The term Muckrackers became famous after April 15, 1906, when the president of the United States Theodore Roosvelt used it in a speech referring to a character in "Pilgrims progress" who could look no way but downward with a muckrake in his hands and was interested only in raking filth explaining that "the men with the muck rakes are often indispensable to the well being of society; but only if they know when to stop raking the muck".
Question 2: The Naturalism is a literary movement that took place between 1865 to 1900, which sought to explain the reality of American society of the time, usually focused on the lower class, based mainly on facts and Darwin's evolutionary theory. They explained how the situation and the development of societies were directly related to their heritage and their environment.