The correct answers are C. Therefore, D. Nevertheless, F. However and G. Consequently
Step-by-step explanation:
In grammar, conjunctive adverbs are words that are used to connect clauses but also work as modifier or adverbs of the clauses they connect as they show effect, sequence, contrast or similar relations. For example, in the sentence "James did not study; therefore, he failed the quiz" the conjunction adverb that shows consequence or effect and acts as a modifier is "therefore". Additionally, in the English language, conjunctive adverbs include the words consequently, in contrast, therefore, moreover, still, then, however, nevertheless, etc. According to this, the four words that are conjunctive adverbs are, therefore, nevertheless, however, and consequently, because all of this words can be used to join clauses, they all show sequence, contrast or effect and also they act as modifiers.