Here's what I put. It does involve a personal example, so I would change that or say "for example".
I believe marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana has many health benefits and has been shown to help numerous diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, PTSD, anxiety, Tourette's syndrome, and many many more. Marijuana has been known as the “gateway drug” but any drug can be a gateway drug, it just depends on what is more available. In addition, most that use marijuana do not pursue other drugs. Furthermore, if a drug can help the majority of society’s people, I believe it is best to legalize it. Many have lost loved one’s because they were denied access to the use of marijuana. In my personal case, my dad is battling brain cancer and he would not be alive if it wasn’t for marijuana being legalized in my state. There are many more issues with alcohol than with marijuana. For example, 15% of robberies, 63% of intimate partner violence incidents, 37% of sexual assaults, 45-46% of physical assaults, and 40-45% of homicides in the United States involved or were caused by the use of alcohol. In addition, sales have had minimal to no effect on major crimes in Colorado or Washington.