The correct answer is B. Descartes believes that intellect is innate.
Step-by-step explanation:
Both Rene Descartes and John Locke were European philosophers that proposed interesting theories about the human mind and knowledge during the 17th century in the case of Descartes and the 18th century in the case of Locke. Even though both philosophers proposed theories related to similar subjects their ideas differ greatly, Descartes considered knowledge was linked to a series of principles that are innate in human beings and that senses were illusory and thus could not be trusted. On the other hand, Locke believed there is not an innate intellect or principles but it is the experience and the sense the ones that help human beings achieve knowledge. Thus a key difference between the theories of Locke and Descartes is that Descartes believes that intellect is innate and Locke believes it is not innate but linked to the senses.