Step-by-step explanation:
Shock is a medical condition which occurs as a result of insufficient blood flow throughout the body. It usually occur when there is severe injury or illness. If not attended to it can result to conditions such as lack of oxygen in the body's tissues, heart attack.
Whenever there is severe bleeding, it is advisable to take these first-aid measures reassure the injured person.
1.)lie down the injured person down; The injured person could be placed on a rug or blanket to prevent so that the body heat would be prevented from loss. Then make sure the injured is reassureed.
2.)Removal of any debris on the person wound; this is done purposely to stop the bleeding by removing any light object from the wound, this is not cleaning or probing the wound.
3.)Take Actions to Stop the bleeding; This involves putting bandage on the wound and press it firmly in order to control the bleeding, placing it firmly helps to apply pressure on the wound so that the bleeding can stop.make sure the bandage is secured with adhesive