Answer and Explanation:
1. J - Mesopotamia (greek: between two rivers.) was called the Fertile Crescent
2. D - Herodotus wrote the first great narrative history.
3. F - Hammurabi - establish the Law Code of Hammurabi in acient Babilony.
4. I - Africa - the word 'ham' means 'black', the Egypt was called "the Land of Ham."
5. B - Ishtar - was the goddess of love and war in the Mesopotamian religion.
6. G - Daniel - he interpreted a dream the king of Babilony had.
7. A - Obelisk - a stone colunm made in honour of an important person.
8. E - Vassal - was loyal the lordthat protected them.
9. C - Contemporary - belonging to the same period in the past; or existing now.
10. H -satrap - provincial governor in ancient Persia.