The difference between the Prime Meridian and 75 degrees West is 5 hours.
Step-by-step explanation:
The world is divided by imaginary lines for the purposes and needs of humans. The vertical lines that move from one pole to another are called meridians. One of their purposes is to help in orientation with time and establishing time zones across the globe.
The Prime Meridian is the starting point that is considered as central time, with all of the time zones east of it having minus in front of them, while all of the time zones west of it have a plus in front of them. There are 360 degrees in total when it comes to meridians, and since there are 24 hours, each time zone has been set on 15 degrees difference. In this case, we have 75 degrees West, meaning that the difference between that longitude and the Prime Meridian is 5 hours (75 / 15 = 5), with plus standing in front of it, thus +5.