When writing fractions in simplest form, there are two rules to follow:Ask if the numerator and denominator can be divided by the same number, which is called a common factor.See if at least one number in the fraction is a prime number..
hen you hear people talk about writing fractions in simplest form, it means that you are finding the smallest, easiest way to represent a fraction. When you are asked to simplify a fraction that is the same as writing it in simplest form.A fraction is a part of a whole. It is represented by two numbers: one on top of the other with a line in between. The top number, or the numerator, represents how many pieces of the whole we are referring to, and the bottom number, or the denominator, represents how many pieces the whole has been broken into. Still a little confused? Let's look at a example. k? It's my birthday, and I have an amazing birthday cake. Right now, the whole birthday cake is in one piece. However, I want to feed all six of my guests plus myself. I want to be fair, so I want my cake split into eight equal pieces.The number 8 represents the number of pieces the whole is being separated into, the denominator. If one of my guests eats one of those pieces, we could represent that number using the fraction 1/8. The number 1 represents the piece of the whole that we are referring to in this problem; it is the numerator.