It would probably help, but it wouldn't make a too big change.
The most important decision you have to make when aiding a person who has swallowed a pesticide is whether to induce vomiting or not. The decision must be made quickly and accurately; the victim's life may depend on it. Usually it is best to get rid of the swallowed poison fast. But: NEVER induce vomiting if the victim is unconscious or is in convulsions. The victim could choke to death on vomitus.
Find out what poison has been ingested. NEVER induce vomiting if the victim has swallowed a corrosive poison. A corrosive poison is a strong acid or alkali (base) such as dinoseb (DN Compounds). The victim will complain of severe pain and have signs of severe mouth and throat burns. A corrosive poison wil burn the throat and mouth as severely coming up as it did going down.
Most labels on emulsifiable concentrate and solution formulations suggest the victim should not have vomiting induced. However, when the toxicity of the pesticide is marked, its removal may be essential.