Simple all we have to do is Convert the fractions into decimals. Like so.
1/2 is just a different way of saying 1 ÷ 2. The Answer? = .5
5/2 is just a different way of saying 5 ÷ 2. The Answer? = 2.5
So what is 2.5 × .5 .
The answer is 1.25.
We are not done yet, we still have to convert our answer into a fraction.
1.25 is the same as 1 and 1/4.
WAIT! Were are still not done.
We need to change 1 and 1/4 into a mixed number.
1 = 4/4
1/4 + 4/4 = 5/4.
Now we are done.
The student that got the cutest reject answer is COREY! Jesica, got the answer correct.
Hope this helps.