1- Option (C)
2- Option (A)
3- Option (B)
4- Option (D)
Step-by-step explanation:
By the end of Permian, about 251 million years ago, a huge mass extinction event has taken place which has wiped out nearly 96% of all life forms that existed on earth. The forest-covered area on earth was destroyed completely which took more than 10 million years to replenish. This was the largest mass extinction event in the earth's geological time and is marked by the Permian-Triassic extinction boundary.
The Triassic is the first period that belongs to the Mesozoic era that started from about 251 million years back and ended by almost 200 million years back. It was the time during which the life outside the marine water started to expand and diversify. By the end of Triassic, another mass extinction occurred due to the rapid and widespread eruptions of volcanoes, which resulted in the emission of a huge amount of gases in the atmosphere that unfortunately led to the decrease in the population of numerous species.
The Paleozoic era of "ancient" life and was split into six different periods starting from Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and ending at Permian. A lot of events and the evolution of marine organism has taken place during this era.
The Cenozoic era has the least amount of time and is about 65 million only, which is quite less in comparison to the other two eras. This is the era that started after the removal of dinosaurs from the earth in the Cretaceous-Paleocene mass extinction boundary.