C) Cultural expressions and experiences may grow more similar across the globe.
Step-by-step explanation:
The vigor of the 21st century that has been marked by technological advances and changing information speeds has instilled society in a range of transformations that directly interfere with the role of actors and social groups.
The availability and popularization of technologies alone does not solve the problems of society. More than having equipment and access to the World Wide Web, social actors must take ownership of technology as producers and authors of ideas, knowledge, propositions and intervene in the daily life of society, promoting changes in the life context of the population from the segments. , niches, tribes or social groups.
United by a language, although there are their regional peculiarities, each people, each culture, each ghetto or tribe has the constitutional right and the need to express themselves and the world.
It is the role of governments, businesses and society as a whole to ensure access to Information and Communication Technologies so that citizens can be guaranteed authentic access to content as well as the possibility of making their cultural content and products available, diversifying and offering possibilities, confronting and competing on an equal basis with mass-produced cultures that have perpetuated themselves for decades in the homes of Brazilians through radio, television and the Internet under the power of the few who aim solely at profit and nothing but financial interests.