Fact 3: The significance of the Mayflower Compact is illustrated as it was the first democratic government to be established in the colonies - The colonists agreed to choose their leaders and make their own laws which they agreed to follow.
One: Written by the "Saints" to make sure everyone agreed to work together in this new wilderness. Two: See one, plus, to make sure the "Servants" (anyone who was not a Separatist Puritan, aka a "Pilgrim") stayed in their social positions. This included indentures and other moderate Protestants who came for the practical reasons and not to set up a new religious based colony. Three: Miles Standish and a several others, all men. Four: It is an example of how colonists attempted to flee a country which persecuted their religious beliefs. Their original destination was Virginia, but they were blown off course, and they landed at Province town, Mass. Not a real good location for a colony there, so they moved further into Mass. bay and landed at what is now Plymouth, Mass.