Name of Country:
La Paz and Sucre
Date established:
August 6, 1825
11.51 million
Major languages spoken:
Spanish and several dozen indigenous languages, most prominently Aymara, Quechua, Chiquitano and GuaranĂ.
Bolivian boliviano
Form of Government:
Democratic Republic
Major physical features:
The Altiplano and highland plateau of the Andes and Lake Titicaca.
General Weather Condition:
Temperatures can differ dramatically between day and night. The wettest period is November to March, which, in extreme circumstances, may induce landslides in mountainous areas, and cause certain roads to become impassable. The northeast slopes of the Andes are semi-tropical.
Fun Fact:
Bolivia has the highest lake in the world, it also happens to have around 40% of all animal and plant life on the planet.
How would your life be different living in this country based off of one detail above?
Based on the weather conditions in Bolivia, it'd be rough trying to counter the extreme heat for a few months, then trying your best to not get washed down by tons of rain for the next.