Step-by-step explanation:
Title: Karma Has It's Role
Step-by-step explanation:
A little girl (Chloe) had two friends. They loved each other very dearly, until another girl came (Laura) and stole Chloe's friends away from her. This hurt Chloe a lot but what hurt more was that her ex-friends (Nyla and Flora) were bullying her along with Laura. The girl was imploding, but she was growing stronger with each name the called her, she grew smarter with every threat they said, and she grew faster every time they chased her.
The three girls despised Chloe for her impeccable speed. All the girls were on the track team but they all knew Chloe was the fastest and hated her for that.
One day there was a track contest. All four girls; Chloe, Laura, Nyla, and Flora were competing. Laura came over to Chloe to try to scare her but Chloe wasn't having it. Chloe knew this was the day she'd prove to them she was the better runner. If she didn't all her hard work to get to the track nationals was for nothing... all those times the girls bullied her into making herself into a better person would be fore nothing.
She hoped that wouldn't be the case. She had to make that not be the case. and only she and she alone could achieve this. With what ever little self confidence residing in her she trudged her feet begrudgingly to the starting line. Only 25 laps, that's it.
3... 2... 1... GO!
Chloe was some where in the middle when the race stared. There were 15 girls in the competition all strong runners. Nyla and Flora were in last so Chloe had nothing to worry about. Her main concern was Laura who was tripping anyone who came near her, very discretely. How she was winning was beyond Chloe. But, she had a plan, and her plans never failed her before.
Than with one lap to spare she saw Laura slowing down because no one was near her. And it was true, she had tripped and made practically every one fall. There were only 10 girls at this point.
With 500 meters left to go Laura was just jogging hands in the air. Chloe was counting on this. At this point Chloe pumped her arms as fast as she could and pushed her legs to move as fast as they could. Eyes closed, wind swirling behind her. She opened her eyes when she felt the plastic line break at her lower abdomen.
With happy tears in her eyes she sent a happy prayer of thanks. Upon opening her eyes, she noticed everyone who had competed cheering her name and clapping for her. She was than handed a medal. More tears of happiness poured down her cheeks.
This medal was something Chloe cherished for the rest of her life. That day had changed her and the way people treated her forever. And she was glad for it. She now had one true friend Christopher. He was the best friend she could ask for.
What will happen to her next?
That's for me to know, and for you, to find out!