Shift 4 units down:

Stretching f(x) by 4 :

Shift 4 units left:

Compress by 1/4 units :


Match the transformations (See attachment)
Shift 4 units down
Shifting down a function is represented as:

In this case:

Substitute expression for f(x) and 4 for b in

Stretching f(x) by 4
Stretching a function by some units is represented as:

In this case:

Substitute expression for f(x) and 4 for b in

Shift 4 units left
Shifting a function to the left is represented as:

In this case:

Substitute expression for f(x) and 4 for b in

Calculating f(x - 4)


Compress by 1/4 units
This means that the function is stretched by

Compressing a function is represented as:

In this case:

Substitute expression for f(x) and 4 for b in

Calculating f(4x)
