Sexual and asexual reproduction are two different ways in which different living species, from bacteria to major animals, and plants, are able to produce offspring and pass on their genetic material to another generation. While in sexual reproduction the main point is the need for two mates who will each provide half of the genetic information that will form a new being, in asexual reproduction this is not the case. Asexually reproducing beings, mostly bacteria, require just a parent cell that will divide its genetic material and distribute it equally among the two daughter cells produced. While in sexual reproduction the result is a unique being with different characteristics inherited from the parents, the asexually reproduced being is an identical copy of the parent cell.
Given this, the correct distribution in this question, would be:
1. Asexual: Creates genetically identical offspring, organism doesn´t have to waste energy to find a mate, requires the contribution of a single parent.
2. Sexual: Creates genetically unique offspring, Organism needs time to reach adulthood to reproduce and requires the contribution of two parents.