Races should be separated and whites should be favored.
Step-by-step explanation:
Apartheid was the system of racial segregation in South Africa and Namibia (while the latter was South African territory) in force until 1992. Basically, this system of racial segregation consisted in the creation of separate places, both housing and study or recreation, for the different racial groups, in the exclusive power of the white race to exercise the vote and in the prohibition of marriages or even sexual relations between whites and blacks.
Its purpose was to preserve power for the white minority (21% of the population), which in other conditions would have lost its privileged position. Before the victory of the National Party in 1948, blacks could vote, but with many restrictions.
In theory, the system consisted basically in the division of the different racial groups to promote "development". All this movement was directed by the white race, which established all kinds of laws that covered, in general, social aspects. A racial classification was made according to appearance, social acceptance or descent. This new system produced revolutions and resistances on the part of the non-white citizens of the country.
At the end of the 1980s, in the framework of the South African border war (Namibia and Angola), the Soviet Union withdrew its economic and military support to Angola and Cuba, making it impossible for both countries to continue the fight; Similarly, the United States ceased its financial support to South Africa, which had serious consequences for the government of Pretoria and the beginning of the end of the apartheid regime in southern Africa, which was in force until the 1990s. last time only white people voted fully.