Below is a summary of the educational degrees of four applicants to a hospital. The hospital is looking for a Radiologist, an Orderly, and a Biomedical Engineer.
Summary of Degrees for Applicants Applying to Hospital Careers
Applicant 1
High school diploma, bachelor's degree
Applicant 2
High school diploma, bachelor's degree, master's degree
Applicant 3
High school diploma
Applicant 4
High school diploma, bachelor's degree, doctorate degree
Which applicants would be best qualified for the jobs based on educational level?
Applicant 2 is qualified to be a Radiologist, applicant 1 is qualified to be an Orderly, and applicants 2, 3, and 4 are qualified to be Biomedical Engineers.
Applicant 3 is qualified to be a Radiologist, applicant 2 is qualified to be an Orderly, and applicants 1 and 4 are qualified to be Biomedical Engineers.
Applicant 1 is qualified to be a Radiologist, applicant 4 is qualified to be an Orderly, and applicants 2 and 3 are qualified to be Biomedical Engineers.
Applicant 4 is qualified to be a Radiologist, applicant 3 is qualified to be an Orderly, and applicants 1, 2, and 4 are qualified to be Biomedical Engineers.