The colonoscopy requires a very thorough and very thorough preparation, essential the reliability of the examination.
On the day of the colonoscopy, the inside of the colon must be perfectly clean so that the doctor operator can view his walls correctly. Otherwise, the examination would not be interpretable.
*A no-residue diet can be requested 48 hours before the exam.
*The day before, it consists in the rapid ingestion, in less than one hour, of twice two (2x2) liters of a purgative saline solution which causes diarrhea. Its ingestion must allow obtaining clear evacuations without risk of hyperhydration.
*The morning of the operation must be and remain strictly fasting (without drinking, eating or smoking).
The colonoscopy will take place between two and four hours after the end of the preparation.
A pre-anesthesia consultation is necessary: it takes stock of all your other health problems or possible allergies.
It is contraindicated in cases where narrowing (stenosis) of the digestive tract is suspected.