ATP or Adenosine Triphoshate is the energy currency of the cell. The energy systems of the body can be divided into 3 broad categories: 1)
Phosphagen or ATP/PC system; 2)
Anaerobic; 3)
Phosphagen or ATP/PC (Phosphocreatine) system provides the fastest production of energy followed by anaerobic, and lastly aerobic. However, phosphagen produces the least amount of ATP. On the other hand, the aerobic system provides the greatest amount of ATP (about 38). While anaerobic seats in the middle.
If the boxing round had the following scenarios, then their respective energy sources would be:
ATP/PC - First punch thrown within 3 seconds of starting the round
Anaerobic - A continuous flurry of jabs and fast moves lasting about 45 seconds after 1.5 minutes into the round
Aerobic - Right at the end of 3 minutes while moving around the ring
Aerobic - During the 1-minute rest between rounds
Phosphagen can provide energy for about the first 3 to 10 seconds of high intensity and quick actions. After this time, (depending on the amount of oxygen available) anaerobic or aerobic respiration would take over. In this continuous boxing session, the more probable source of ATP would be anaerobic assuming that the demand for energy exceeds the normal time for aerobic respiration to take over. Anaerobic would last for about 10 to 90 seconds of performance duration. At rest, it would be aerobic respiration taking over.