The width represents the x-axis, and the height corresponds to the y-axis. The term constant in Height=Constant/Width means that the number in that spot will never change.
Use one point/relation to find the equation of the function that represents this graph, for example, you could use the point (4,20), or (10,8).
Make the y coordinate equal to x/ x coordinate. Example: 20=x/4.
Now solve for the function by multiplying both sides of the equation by four, which will give you the x value of the equation you're trying to find.
If you were to have used my example, you would have gotten the answer x=80. You can then plug 80 into the equation for f(x)=constant/width to get f(x)=80/x. f(x) just means height in your case. Then you can plug any value of x that's given on the graph to see if the equation is correct, for example, you could input 4 for x and get 20 as an output.