17 votes
Imagine what it would be like to live in a world where everyone is treated the same no matter what. Is this a world you would want to live in? Why or why not?

2 Answers

13 votes
Short answer.

Yes because no body will feel left and out. There will be no bulling, racism, or sexism. The world will be fair to everyone. This will be better for us because then everyone is happy.
User Victor Marzo
7.0k points
3 votes

Step-by-step explanation:

It depends on the approach. There are many kinds of equality, same as there are many kinds of democracies (USA democracy isnt the same than Athenian democracy or Iroquois “Great Peace".)

The thing is, it depends at what level we talk about equality.

There is some kind of equality that gives everyone exactly the same. If you give everyone a TV, middle class will be happy, poors wont have electricity to use it and rich wouldnt care about a simple TV when they have much more.

This kind of equality is in my opinion suboptimal.

Then you have absolute equality, which means everyone should be treated exactly the same by all means. This doesnt work.

We are specialized people. Not only from the economic point of view but also as individuals. Each one of us have different needs and goals. This fits with the way our societies are. The more a society becomes advanced, the more its individuals adquire particular jobs unique to themselves. This is division of labor (First you had chief > tribal member , societies developed and after a while they had Rulers of the Chiefdom > Chiefs of particular tribes > War captains > Warriors > Civilians, each time the societies become larger and more relevant, the division of tasks is even more. There was also division of work between members of the same level of herarchy, like farmer/hunter for civilians) so this basically means that in our era, there is so much different stuff we need as a society, that each person should dedicate to one specific need, his/her own thing. We cant be equal, because a programmer doesnt need the same things than an artist. A person with mental health issues needs different kind of help than a poor person.

This leads us to the true Equality.

User Danielv
6.9k points