1. Ella pone queso en los tacos. She puts cheese on the tacos.
2. Pedimos ceviche en la playa. We order seafood at the beach.
3. Traigo mis gafas de sol. I bring my sun glasses.
4. Hacen una fiesta en el parque. They are having a party in the park.
5. Salimos de la ciudad mañana. We leave the city tomorrow.
6. Pongo las tortillas en el plato. I put the tortillas on the plate.
7. Regatean en el marcado. They bargain in the market.
8. Doy un regalo a mi hermana. I give my sister a gift.
Step-by-step explanation:
In this exercise, you have to match the Spanish sentence with its English translation. To complete the exercise, you have to pay attention to the vocabulary used, so you understand more quickly which sentence matches its translation. For example, sentences 1, 2 and 6 are related to food vocabulary.
It is also important to understand who is doing the action in the sentence, so you have a clue of how the sentence starts.