1. across – trans (such as transcontinental - crosses from one location to another)
2. world, world system – cosmos (or universe)
3. one who believes – ist (such in evangelist, communist)
4. word, reason, study – logos (using your logic, to reason)
5. Inflammation – itis ( everything that finishes in itis is inflammation as per medical terms)
6. Before – ante (a prefix meaning “before,” used in the formation of compound words: anteroom; antebellum; antedate)
7. Against – anti ( the opposite, against, antagonist)
8. doctrine or belief – ism (devotion or adherence, etc. (criticism; barbarism; Darwinism; despotism; plagiarism; realism; intellectualism).
9. out of, formerly – ex (formerly my husband or ex-husband)
10. through, thoroughly – per ( from one end or side of something to the other, to end completely)
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