1. Correct answer:
B. en peligro de extinción
Especies en peligro de extinción translates into endangered species and is a species that has been categorized as very likely to become extinct. The causes of this issue are the environmental problems. The most famous endangered specie are orangutan, Tasmanian devil, gorilla, snow leopard, sea otter, among others.
2. Correct answer:
B. produces menos contaminacion del aire
Contaminación del aire means air pollution, so if we use vehicles less frequently it is evident that we'll produce less air pollution that is a mixture of gases and solid particles in the air. So if harmful or excessive quantities of substances such as gases, particles, and biological molecules are introduced into Earth's atmosphere, there will be air pollution.
3. Correct answer:
C. los océanos
Los océanos means oceans and derrames de petróleo means oil spill and this is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment. This is often referred to the marine ecosystem. Oil spill can affect both animals and plants. So this penetrates into the structure of the plumage of birds and the fur of mammals.
4. Correct answer:
B. estudiaré
Estudiaré is the conjugation of the verb estudiar for the first person singular in the simple future. We use the Spanish simple future to talk about what will or shall happen. It is also used to talk about the possibility of what someone may or might be doing in the present. So this sentence can be written as follows:
La semana próxima, yo estudiaré (I will study next week)