Madison argued that the problem with factions was that they tended to threaten the welfare of the nation by trying to force their particular ways of thinking and acting on the overall population. In the United States of today, this is being seen particularly in divisions created by factions within the parties themselves and by movements in society that wish to force through violence and incorrect decisions their beliefs and ways of thinking. This has caused a lot of problems within the American society because it tends to divide people. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the U.S Constitution curtails and restraints a lot of the power that factions used to have before, there are still powerful factions today, especially within the two main parties that are causing severe divisions, particularly when it comes to correct ways of handling issues like the economy and public welfare. It is necessary to have further controls from the citizens to be able to stop actions that go against the Constitution and that infringe on the rights and liberties that said Constitution establishes.