In “The catcher in the rye”, the classic novel written by JD Salinger, Holden Caufield, the narrator, and main character is a 16-year-old boy just spelled from school. He describes his adventures with cynicism notes because he is shielding himself from pain and disappointment. Ackley is Holden Neighbour at Pency Prep and he continuously tries to chase him away but seems not to realize it. Stradlater is Holden´s roommate, contrary to the protagonist he is self-satisfied, handsome and sexually active. The truth is that the main character is uncomfortable with everything and everyone, you might say disappointed with his own life and especially with people at Pencey.
Jane Gallager is a girl that Holden likes and with whom, he spents a lot of time one summer, but´s also a girl with whom his roommate date one time and he's got a hunch that he´ll take advantage of her. This really upsets him as he consider Jane a sweet, innocent girl and respects her a lot.
Along the whole story, Holden tries to find a connection with many characters that appaer but bearly get so. Mostly because of his attitude: he is immature and odd making people angry or driving them away confused.
Along the story, there is a tense climate between Holden childhood and the adult world trying to delay his entrance into this universe. Most of the episodes take place once he leaves Pencey.
Most of the novel goes on past voice but ends on present tense describing his idea of applyig for a new school as his trip has changed him enough to aim this goal with a renewed attitude.
This novel traps the audience and make them confront with their own expirience of getting on the adult world.