Here are the items to choose that were part of Hitler's beliefs and Nazi ideology:
- Conquering new territory brings glory.
- Germany's troubles are the fault of the Jewish people.
- Germans are members of the Aryan master race.
Hitler rose to power by promising to return national glory and power to Germany, which he did through a huge buildup of the military and a blitzkrieg of conquest of other territories.
Extreme racial prejudice was part of Hitler's belief system and the Nazi program. Hitler and the Nazis believed in the supremacy of what they referred to as the "Aryan race" -- which was a term they used for the Germanic peoples. They believed their race was superior to "lesser races" like the Jews, blacks and others. Hitler and the Nazis mounted a campaign in Germany to promote their race over others like Jews and Roma (gypsies), etc.
Ultimately, there was what the Nazis called "The Final Solution" (in the 1940s), which we now refer to as the Holocaust. Millions of Jews, along with other unwanteds, were exterminated in mass killings.