Hi !!
So during the WW II the beaches in Normandy were called i French "les plages du débarquement".. that was the "Landing at Normandy"............. ...called as well as the D-Day Beaches (Débarquement Day)
The allies (of France) US and British came by boat in Normandy to fight the German invasion...
The four main beaches were Ohama beach (the bloodiest one), Utah beach, Juno beach, Gold beach and Sword beach.....
Each year there's a memorial on Ohama beach.... with the "anciens combattants" those, Americans, Canadians; British still alive, who comemorate that DAY ......
German bunkers still exist on those beaches....
I don't know if you need any other explanations... and as my English isn't so fluent, I'm not sure I'll be able to expain more ...
So sorry :)